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A dermatologist in Kailua performs a Profound treatment, using radiofrequency to tighten skin and boost collagen.


Profound treatment is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency energy and microneedles to stimulate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production. In Kailua, Hawaii, dermatologists recommend this treatment to rejuvenate the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. It's a minimally invasive alternative to surgical facelifts, with a shorter recovery time.

Profound treatment can be used on various body parts, including the face, neck, and thighs. It targets deeper skin layers, providing effective and lasting results without extensive downtime or scarring.

Profound at Kailua dermatology clinics improves skin texture and elasticity, reducing wrinkles and cellulite.


The benefits of Profound treatment include tightened skin, reduced wrinkles, and improved skin elasticity. The procedure helps restore a youthful appearance, making it a popular choice for those seeking non-surgical cosmetic improvements.

Procedure Overview

Profound treatment involves using a handheld device with microneedles that deliver controlled radiofrequency energy into the skin. The treatment typically takes 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the areas being treated. A local anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort. Recovery time is generally a few days, with mild swelling and redness common immediately after the procedure.

During a Profound treatment at a Kailua dermatologist's office, RF energy and microneedling tighten skin and stimulate collagen.


Is Profound treatment painful?

The procedure uses a local anesthetic, so discomfort is minimal. Patients may feel some pressure or warmth during treatment.

How long does recovery take?

Recovery time varies, but most patients experience mild swelling and redness for a few days.

How many sessions are required?

Often, a single session is enough for noticeable results, but some patients may need additional sessions for desired outcomes.

Can Profound treatment be used for skin tightening?

Yes, it’s effective for tightening loose or sagging skin.

Is Profound treatment safe for all skin types?

It is generally safe for most skin types, but it's best to consult your dermatologist for personalized advice.

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